Rivers of Living Water

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Charity Brown- Comeafterme.com
Anytime you hear “building” and “water” in the same sentence, it’s probably not going to be a story that ends well. There’s a great exception to that in Ezekiel 47 (yesterday’s reading). Water comes out from under the front threshold of the Millennial Temple, flowing toward the east. It gets deeper and deeper, becoming an incredible river. It heals an entire biome as it goes, providing life, trees, fishes, food and income for man, turning the Dead Sea into the Living Sea. I don’t how closely this will follow the tribulation period, but the waters of the earth have been turned to an utterly toxic bloody mess during it. A little imagination here: in my mind’s eye, I see the water coming from the Temple, a clear stream spreading into that deadly darkness, dissolving, purifying. If you’ve ever pictured Moses turning the water to blood, run the reel backward in your mind. Maybe that’s how it will be? Who knows? I can’t wait to find out! What we DO know is the water changed everything it touched.
Two statements jumped up and lodged in my heart yesterday as I was reading, one from Paul, one from Jesus:
I Cor 6:19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?”
John 7:38-39 “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive.”
The believer is meant to be a mini-temple. A dwelling place for God who is overflowing with the life-giving waters of the Holy Spirit. A person whose obedient submission to the Spirit touches a “wicked and corrupt generation” with life and beauty and hope. That delights my heart! Life goals, right there. Life goals
Charity Brown- Comeafterme.com