About Us

Our Mission: “Lifting up Christ in a mixed up world”


The mission of the Wesleyan Bible Church is to lift up Christ in a mixed up world, showing others the grace of God through Christ. We foster a community of believers united in Christ’s love with the purpose of exalting Jehovah God, pursuing a life that reflects God’s holiness and encouraging each other in this Christian walk. We believe that it is God’s will that every member of this community be filled with the Holy Spirit – empowered to spread the Gospel and disciple new believers.

What We Believe

    • We believe that God is, and that he rewards those who seek Him diligently. Hebrews 11:6
    • We believe that the Bible is God’s letter to humanity. Hebrews 1:1&2
    • We believe that Jehovah God is revealed in his Word as the Triune God. One God revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 8:6, 13:14
    • God the Father, perfect in every attribute. Colossians 1:15-17
    • God the Son, Immanuel, God with us, saving us and reconciling us to Himself. Colossians 2:9
    • God the Holy Spirit, God within us. John 14:16&17
    • We believe that we are saved to walk, no longer a slave to sin, living a life of holiness resulting from a purified heart. Romans 12  Acts 15:8&9
    • We believe that we are empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to spread the gospel. Matthew 28:19
    • We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth to receive His Church. Matthew 24:42, 44

Bible Methodist Church

WBC of Lakewood is affiliated with the Bible Methodist Church, and is part of the Southwest Bible Methodist Conference- swbiblemethodist.org