2nd Advent- Peace

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Luke 2:14, Col 3:15

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men….And let the peace of God rule in your hearts.

The desire for most people is to have peace, freedom from disturbance, absence of conflict, war to be eliminated, and tranquility of mind and heart. Sin in the hearts of humanity is the root that makes lasting peace unattainable. The carnal nature born in man is at war with the nature of God, who is our Peace. Christ came to bring peace to mankind, peace that passes all understanding. But as long as sin remains, war will continue to be part of life. Jesus said that nations will war against nations, and His sword will bring division because sin is at enmity with God. The proclamation made by the angels on the day Christ was born, that this Christ would bring peace on earth. Peace is made available to every man, woman, boy and girl on earth. Through Christ, we can have peace in our heart. The war with sin is over, the blood of Jesus has made the heart clean, and He can rule in our hearts. We now have victory over sin and our way is now God’s way , we have surrendered everything over to God. Our plans, ambition, and desires are now His to rule. The Peace of God brings tranquility when everything else is chaotic. The world around us is looking for world peace, but real peace only comes when Christ is born in your heart, and He controls our destiny and journey in life.
