Living Sacrifice
(Issue with Audio Recording- Volume Low, turn up device volume) Evening Bible Study- 07-07-24 p.m. Progressive Sanctification Pastor Aaron Johnson
(Issue with Audio Recording- Volume Low, turn up device volume) Evening Bible Study- 07-07-24 p.m. Progressive Sanctification Pastor Aaron Johnson
The Pilgrim Journey Heb. 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. The faithful who have lived … Continue readingThe Pilgrim Journey
Evening Bible Study- 06-30-24p.m. “Watch and Be Ready” Pastor Aaron Johnson
Bible Study 06-16-24 p.m. “Nature of Sin”- (WBC YouTube) Pastor Aaron Johnson
HOPE 4 LIBERIA- 06-09-24 P.M. Jim and Janelle Hendren WBC of Lakewood
Bible Study 06-02-24pm “Love” (WBC You Tube) Pastor Aaron Johnson
Bible Study- 05-19-24 p.m. “Pentecost Power & Purity” (WBC YouTube) Bro. Rodney Keister
Bible Study- 05-12-24 p.m . “Defeating Giants” (WBC YouTube) Pastor Aaron Johnson”